Keep On Breathing 04 de marzo de 2013
por btrix
Let it go,
all this sorrow inside you,
it won't guide you home.

Don't ask why,
there's no reason to do it.
you just have to keep on moving.

The trick is to keep on breathing.
to keep on walking, besides the path is full of regrets,
to keep on rising your hand up,
to keep on trying to catch a star.

Keep on dreaming, keep on smiling,
the pain that you feel, it won't fade away.
Keep on breathing, that's what will make you feel alive.

4 Comentarios

  • Serge

    I liked it so much.

    04/03/13 09:03

  • Btrix

    Thank you, Serge, my pleasure ^^

    04/03/13 09:03

  • Alliemb8

    Good to see something in English around here :)

    04/03/13 09:03

  • Alliemb8

    Good to see something in English around here :)

    04/03/13 09:03

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