Welcome To My Life 18 de mayo de 2012
por camilamoreno08
Even though I'm used to write in spanish, just found a group of amazing people that make's me write this in english. Just one more time, my life is now getting so much better thanks to a group of people I've just met. Girls with so much power and so many things to be happy for, that make my light just a little better everytime I get to share with them some moments of my day.

Is true, we are far, far, far away, but everytime I chat with them, I feel like they are just there by my side. Have you ever feel that? Just like someone can make you so happy even thought they're far away, and you just know them by pictures? Is crazy, but trust me it happens.

Im holding that tghought that maybe be they are my friends or the will be my friends for a very long time. That I'll get to know them face to face soon and the good thing is that the world is not going to and end, so we have a life time to meet, to have fun and to laught of the crazy life we have.

Is not just cars, is fun time. Is not just chat, is friend time. So im blessed I have them for me and I hope they know I'll be there for them if they need me too. Power girls, power friendship. Thanks for the laughs, for the love and for the car fun.

Welcome to my life.

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