Contigo. 19 de abril de 2011
por estefaniaromero
La felicidad no es nada comparado con estar contigo.
Adoro verte sonreír con esa dulzura infinita,
que no consigue otra cosa que enamorarme mas de ti.
No hay palabras para describir el vacío que siento si
no estas a mi lado, abrazándome y besándome,
haciéndome sentir la mujer más rica del mundo.
Quizás todo esto podría terminar algún día, lo sé,
pero por ahora quiero seguir pensando que esto
es para siempre, que no vas a dejar de llamar a mi
puerta todas las mañanas, cogerme de la mano
y llevarme lo mas lejos de mí, para estar en tu mundo,
lo mas cerca de ti.

3 Comentarios

  • Liusanjie

    Finding out how you can market undesirable gold jewellery is inside the minds of much more and much more individuals links of london jewellery each and every day. Just like lots of us these days, individuals are away from work, at the rear of on bills and so are searching for methods to create some fast extra cash. should you are in one of those groups, you need to be particular that you simply are going to acquire one of the most money for the gold should you create to market your undesirable or broken jewelry.

    One from one of the most essential components that you simply can perform to acquire one of the most bucks for the gold can be to be particular that you simply consider into account all from the possibilities that are available. When links of london earrings pondering of merchandising jewellery for just about any fast profit, lots of individuals think about the regional pawn shop. Pawn stores can provide very fast turn-around instances on converting your gold to cash, but they ordinarily cannot provide you very drastically bucks for the gold jewelry.

    The subsequent concern that you simply need to think about into account could be the sort of gold that links of london charms you simply are selling. should you possess a nice, handcrafted product of jewellery which has lots of apparent worth as getting a high quality piece, links of london bangles then you certainly possibly will require to go to some jewellery store to acquire it evaluated. should you have broken pieces of gold jewellery or mismatched gold earrings, don't bother using the jewellery stores. They will merely have no attention links of london rings in re-selling your items.

    19/04/11 02:04

  • Emme

    Muy tierno.

    19/04/11 05:04

  • Ipf

    bufff ... me encanta la verdad, no sé por que pero al leerlo me he teletransportado a un mundo "ideal" en el que creo que he vivido pero que por desgracia ya dejo de existir... Gracias al menos, por unos segundos, ayudarme a recordar ... :)

    12/12/12 03:12

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