I Don't Know... 15 de abril de 2011
por luthiem
Everyday I hope someone make me feel special
And I think of you and i feel good... but
all girls dream with feel like a princess and
i feel the way you make me feel and i think
that you rarely make me feel like a princess
but, after that i think again and i say myself
you watch a lot of romantics films!
And then, i think again and i say myself
you think too much!
I have to start feel more and think less...

Sorry about my english...just... i'm trying to write my thoughts in spanish and.. i can't xD i don't know way but, i know, my english is bad xD

1 Comentarios

  • Eluciox


    My english is bad.

    You are a princess. You don't need somebody that make you feel like that.

    Greetings from LORE-RANCH

    15/04/11 05:04

Sigue leyendo a Luthiem arrow_downward

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