Ah 08 de mayo de 2008
por pomeraniawarchild
It’s weird to be you. I mean not you; anybody. Whoever. It’s alarming to be conscious. To walk down a hall and suddenly think, “Hey, it’s me, it’s me and no-one else who’s here doing this.” It kinda wakes you up, makes you feel.... responsible. And that’s frightening. Well it’s some kind of balancing act. You try to be free, get the most out of it, do the right thing, make the wise decision. Just like it’s weird not to speak English; yo feel on the other side of some border. Of all borders. You say, how come, you speak ‘glish. Sure I do, but I didn’t at first. Oh, I guess that at first, nobody spoke anything, right? Fair enough. It’s all about overcoming conditioning. Just like being a woman instead of a man. That’s why I never really identified with a gender (or a language for that matter). I mean, didn’t identify to the point of losing my freedom to be different. Never took up the icons of the no-man gender to the point of etching them in my soul. Which brings us to the beginning: genders, or sexes in reality, cause existence through breeding.

3 Comentarios

  • Alguien

    deberias poner en tu reforma, suprimir el fuckin english

    09/05/08 04:05

  • Adriel

    Adhiero a lo que dice el compañero Alguien

    09/05/08 08:05

  • Daniela

    pero igual creo que es importante sentirse idenitificado al menos con algo, no estar flotando en el espacio sin saber. Digo!!.

    11/05/08 12:05

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