Angel's Lips 25 de enero de 2013
por sinnombre
Last night an angel kissed me
I don't know but i was lying in my bed
"He's so close to me" i thought in that moment
Don't worry I was very bored

I was his and he was mine
He touch me with his fingers across my back
He paint me a heart and I touched his checks and smiling at the Same time

I felt his breath,how he hugged me
I opened my eyes and i saw him
Brown beautiful eyes
And big smile
I wish he was next to me

Please,Come back little angel.Regret that day where our bodies were my mouth again.Don't be afraid.Visit my room.knock the door and sleep with me until the moon appears in the sky

Your wings cuddled my red check.
Surround my hips with those arms.
My heart desire you.
I'm sweet,so dovour me

The hours were very fast
The time was against us
So why don't you stop the word?
It would be very nice

Parte 3 y estribillo

Remember when you smile me
You were so satisfice
I was very happy
So let's do it again


1 Comentarios

  • Samuel

    nice song, hopefully the angels will never go away

    30/05/13 08:05

Sigue leyendo a Sinnombre arrow_downward

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