Analysis Of Content Of a Song (invitation To The Literature). 04 de abril de 2011
por diesel
Significant and expressly summarized song

Ringtone to Cell song begins yea:

If you say to your me come I leave everything if you say to your me come it will be quite for you my moments mas secret also I will give them to you. My secrets that are so small will be yours also. If they say to your me they see everything it will change if you say to your me come there will be happiness if you say to me come ... if you say to your me come do not stop the moment for the indecisions to join soul with soul ... heart with heart to re-go with you before any pain ... to cry with you .... to weep with you It will be for my salvation.

1.- What does mean in the general context of the song to leave everything?.

In the general context of the topic of the song to leave everything means the total and absolute love towards the dear woman and that is not different but the own wife who has married for the God's orders.

2.-The present topic is a paltry matter or is not paltry?. It reasons the answer and I gave why it is paltry or is not paltry.

The topic of the song is not, for anything, paltry but, very on the contrary, it means the great transcendency that has for the human pairs consisted of an alone man and an alone woman to submit categorically towards other one or other one.

3.-In an intrinsic way, what is the most discretionary of the loving symptoms of which it treats the song?.

Undoubtedly someone, and seeing that treats itself about a pair formed between a Christian husband and a wife it christens, when it indicates that they are the most secret moments.

4.-In what dialectical moment is the sublimation of the love reached?.

In the same instant in which the singer indicates that if you say to me they see everything it will change if you say to me come there will be happiness.

5.- Señala una metáfora que sea transcendente e irreductible en el texto.

To join soul with soul and heart with heart because the metaphor is hidden between the material thing and the spiritual thing and joins ambivalent simbiosis of the one with other one. It is an immutable species of competing significance and of uncompromising holistic assumption.

6.-Of what way would you reason the position of the lover with the recursive clarity?.

I believe that the clarity of the lover is such that there uses the resource of the sensitive thing transmuted to the colloquial message by means of if you say to me well, that it demonstrates the above mentioned clarity playful and lucid.

7.-Which is the point of inflexion where we come to the culminating moment of the nominated action?.

I place it, speaking in certain terms, in crying with you will be my salvation because it uses as safe conduct for the trip to the deep of the love.

8.- ¿Con qué personaje de la literatra universal enlazarías la moción de emotividad del cantante ante su amada?.

Un personaje adecuado, mentalmente, sería Romeo; pero, mejor situado en lo psicológico, determino que el amante de Teruel.

9.-Having in it counts the graduation of the balance of the mental thing and the balance of the emotional thing, what level of punctuation would you give to laugh him with you before any pain?.

I would place it, due to the just relation between the balance of the mental thing that is to laugh and of the emotional thing that the pain, in the point of meeting of the sensibility that the psychiatrists cannot interpret for anything because they are cold and ambivalent but not concrete at all at the moment of the truth and therefore they are wrong as donkeys.

10.-Once analyzed well and pondered this song, what you prefer being: a mad singer of royal fantasies or a cold and unstable psychiatrist who is as a watering-can and who should be enclosed in a mental hospital in order that it was stopping prescribing tablets to the mad thing?.

Any mad singer of royal fantasies before that the very worthiest mister doctor that God believes himself and only he is a nitwit saying absurdities and prescribing absurd tablets as madman who is.

End of the analysis: good nights gentleman Barrionuevo and that God preserves the sight because what is the talent has it damaged enough. That sleeps you with the little angels and that continues prescribing tablets - it would not be necessary any more - that for it you are the whole most handsome type and you are a great doctor while I only am a simple licentiate. Good-bye.

Sigue leyendo a Diesel arrow_downward

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