Paradoxes 18 de marzo de 2015
por javiersanz


" I want to create a relationship between two objects, between inanimate objects and once-living creatures; be it a physical relationship, a sensory relationship or an aesthetic one.

I want each part to speak to the other, physically and spiritually.

I want to join two concepts that seem separated by an infinite distance.

They cannot be united randomly, but must have coherence, an aesthetic logic. I seek in my work to bridge absurdity and logic, to form a place where the two come together.

Emil M. Cioran once said, "Lyricism reaches its ultimate form of expression only through delirium."

Delirium can be said to represent incoherence, demented contrasts that impact the viewer, never to be forgotten.

To affix a bat to a butterfly, the skeleton of a human fetus to a grandfather clock, an iron to a stingray. The tensions generated by these unions, these delirious contrasts, create the illusion of separate beings coming to life as one."

Formally trained in law, Fracisco Javier Sanz has always been attracted to the art world, a trait inherited from his grandfather and mother, both of whom were painters.

In the end, art was a stronger draw than law and passion was stronger than reason.

Sanz began taking photographs of nature, which helped him develop two essential qualities: a personal vision and the ability to synthesize.

His foray into surreal photography came about in part through his literary vocation and partly by chance.

Having used poetic prose when writing his books, Sanz became accustomed to metaphorical and paradoxical thinking.

One day, when entering his apartment, he looked down at the zebra skin on the floor of his entryway. He happened to be thinking of chess at the time and the thought crossed his mind, "If I put chess pieces on the zebra skin it will look as if the squares of the chessboard have melted. "

This marked the beginning of his transition to surreal photography and resulted in the conceptual compositions presented in this exhibition.


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