An Image 19 de noviembre de 2008
por johnnyhoyer
Wondering across eternal thoughts of sorrow,
I fly high with your heart bleeding in my hands
Dying once more into the deepest forest of my spirit.

Horizons are as dark as my sight.
Hideous demons break into thousands of cries,
And I slowly sink down into their sad eyes
Just to give them my pain and surrender my life.

…and suddenly, a crow flies over me,
A melancholy song I hear,
As if heaven burns my skin and my tears
While my love draws the final breathe.

Oh, Lord! Help me pass through this!
Carry me to your hidden paradise
And I swear I won’t miss
This bitter silence turned into a lie

Desperate prayers I cry out loud
Just to feel your voice again
And I can barely watch around
Millions of rays falling down

And as the moon ask for salvation
I can hear deafening steps behind me
And as I turn my face to find some elation
I watch among reddish clouds, an image, fighting me.

I was crawling on the ground, when this vision came to me
And I lifted my face to see who was coming wrapped in fire
And I realized it was your cold voice lashing at me
Begging for the words that to utter is not my desire

Johnny Hoyer.

6 Comentarios

m?s actual...para quienes les gustan los poemas como los peri?dicos...diarios...jejeje...;-)


19/11/08 12:11


19/11/08 12:11

just I wanna go home.... :(

19/11/08 12:11

Pues yo me quede?sin saber. el ingl?s no es mi fuerte.
Un abrazo

19/11/08 12:11

Wonderful poem. A little bit depressive but with a lot of sumptuous words and expressions.
Hope the Lord will help you succeed in whatever situation you now pass through, in case the poem describes something real.
Congratulations for you poem.

19/11/08 11:11

thnx a lot!...I hope he will, too...;-)

19/11/08 09:11

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