With Love 03 de mayo de 2010
por luthiem
Baby, this world is so difficult ...
But you, only you, you make it different.
Only you do easier.
Since you're in my life I feel I can breathe better.
Since you're with me, I feel that I can overcome any problem.
Because you, only you, make me stronger.
When I think that we still have a long way to go and think about this world and in this society, I think that anything can happen.
When I think of all that could separate us feel afraid and I feel you away.
I feel really lucky to have you in my life and every time I
awake I can’t help smiling at the thought that your heart belongs to me.
And in my movie with a happy ending and in my fairy tale with her "and were happily ever after " you're with me, in my side, because I feel that my future is with you.
And when we are well it all makes sense, everything works fine, when we are ok i’m happy.
And when I think of my life I can see myself getting up every morning by your side and I think I'm just dreaming...
Tell me now, baby, what goes through your head?, What goes through your heart?
Sometimes it's so easy to see through your eyes, and other all seems a dream...

2 Comentarios

hello Luyhem:
ink the narrator makes it very clear about what he feels for his beloved one brief and beautiful love story, a love that will endure over time without doubt.

kisses and blessings n_n

03/05/10 08:05

thanks! =)

05/05/10 02:05

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