-por Santiago T. Bellomo-

-There is an inkstand on the table.
-There is a handkerchief in my pocket.
-There is a pencil in my right hand.
-In my left hand there is nothing.
-But there is a pencil in my other hand.
-What is on the table?
-In my pocket?
-On the floor?
-What is there in my right hand?
-The pencil is on the table.
-The inkstand is in my right hand.
-The inkstand is on the table.
-Nothing is here.
-I am not here.
-I wished I was here.
-Julia is.
-She always is.
-There is a handkerchief in my pocket, though.
-It is pretty dark inside my pocket.
-It is dark.
-This room is darker than the inside of my pocket.
-I mean my inkstand.
-Because Julia was here a moment ago.
-I have a pencil here on the table.
-I am sitting down.
-I am standing up.
-I used to know how to sit.
-There is somebody with me in the room.
-Is that you?
-Answer me please.
-Nobody is outside.
-Everyone is inside.
-What are you doing?
-I am standing.
-Are you standing?
-I think so.
-There is a handkerchief on the floor.
-Who is at my left?
-My pencil.
-What is behind me?
-It breathes.
-Really noisy.
-Too loud.
-Near but not loud.
-It is not noisy.
-It is pencil.
-She always is.
-There is a pencil in my right hand.
-Where is the inkstand.
-The ink is standing.
-The table was here a moment ago.
-Time for your medicine Mr. Bertram.
-Of course.
-Thank you.
-Be gentle with that door.

Santiagotomas199715 de enero de 2016

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